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Matura 2008 z języka angielskiego r 6

Matura 2008

Zadanie 6. (5 pkt)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z aktorką. Z podanych możliwości odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.


Zadanie 6.
Taking on the portrayal of a real person is a tough job for any actor. Our magazine, FilmFocus caught up with Helen Mirren who faces a challenge in The Queen, playing Her Majesty in the week following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

An interviewer: Did you ever consider what the Queen herself might make of the film?
Helen Mirren: I considered it before we started work, in the sense that I felt that an honest effort was essential. All you can do in this situation is just try and be as honest as you can. Once the film was done, everybody asked the same question: what do you think the Queen will make of it? While making the film I realised everyone would ask about it and, believe me, I kept worrying about it. But I have no idea. How can I say? Robert Lacey, the wonderful writer about the Royal Family and a film reviewer said, ”Well, I think the Queen will say, ‘Well it could have been worse – could I have a gin and tonic please?’”
An interviewer: How did you prepare to play someone like the Queen?
Helen Mirren: We watched numerous tapes about the Queen, read her biographies, looked at the painted portraits. I was also working very hard with our voice coach Penny Dyere and got used to the voice, so it became familiar and I didn’t feel like Helen Mirren doing a funny voice. Some things we did were inspiring and involving but others totally timeconsuming and uninteresting. The most valuable research for me was looking at the Queen as a young girl, and reading a rather irritatingly sugar-sweet book that Marion Crawford wrote, The Little Princesses.
An interviewer: Which scene do you remember as the most nerve-wracking? Was it the deer scene?
Helen Mirren: That was the scene that I didn’t expect. Every single person I’m sure sees a different meaning to that scene. It had a personal meaning for me. We shot it out in the wilds of Scotland, with a fake animal. A terrible model of a deer that looked absolutely Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego ridiculous! Which I had to be moved by! But it was a very beautiful part of Scotland, so it was quite easy to feel the intensity of the environment.
An interviewer: What’s the best and the worst thing about playing real people?
Helen Mirren: Some people claim that the role of a contemporary person guarantees an Oscar. But I don’t think so. I haven’t played living people in the past. I’ve stayed away from it because I think you are in a no-win position. You’ll never be half as good as the real person, no matter how talented you are. All you can do really is fail. In fact this is the first time I’ve ever played a living person. You can’t imagine how intimidating and scary it is.
You know you are going to be under scrutiny, people will ask you what you think about the monarchy, about Diana. And now after some of the reviews I wonder if it is going to be to anybody’s liking, so you’d better keep away from it.
An interviewer: Did you fix on something that gave you a clue as to how to play the Queen?
Helen Mirren: For me it was a tiny 20-second-bit of film about the Queen when she was about 13 years old getting out of the car and putting her hand out to shake hands with someone. The way she gets out of the car, and the way she puts her hand out, to me absolutely encapsulated the real character of a real person. Everything about her upbringing and her own internal personality. I watched that bit of a film over and over again, and when I played her
I was playing that little 13-year-old girl.
An interviewer: Helen Mirren, thank you very much for being with us.

adapted from www.filmfocus.co.uk

6.1. The role was stressful for Helen Mirren because
A. she disliked being questioned about the effort she put into it.
B. she did not know what the Queen might think of the film.
C. she was worried what the royal writer would include in his review.
D. she expected the Queen to have a drink rather than watch the film.

[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”][q multiple_choice=”true”]

Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QSA=[c]Qi A=[c]QyA=[c]RDwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x][restart] [/qwiz]

6.2. While preparing for the role Helen Mirren
A. learnt to imitate the Queen’s way of speaking.
B. did not feel like reading about the Queen.
C. met the author of the book The Little Princesses.
D. did not find looking at portraits helpful.

[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”] [q multiple_choice=”true”]

Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QS A=[c]QiA=[c]QyA=[c]RDwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x] [restart] [/qwiz]

6.3. The deer scene was difficult for her because
A. it was too personal for her.
B. she was too moved to act.
C. the deer was not a real animal.
D. the surroundings made her feel uneasy.

[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”][q multiple_choice=”true”]

Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QSA=[c]QiA=[c]Qy A=[c]RDwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x][restart] [/qwiz]

6.4. In her opinion, playing a real person
A. makes the actor intimidating.
B. is bound to be a huge success.
C. proves how talented the actor is.
D. is something best avoided.

[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”][q multiple_choice=”true”]

Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QSA=[c]QiA=[c]QyA=[c]RDwvaDY+ CjxoNj4=[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x][restart][/qwiz]

6.5. The strongest image Helen has of the Queen is
A. the way the Queen shook her hand when she met her.
B. the picture of the teenage Queen driving a car.
C. the image of the Queen as a teenage girl.
D. the aura of authority surrounding the young monarch.

[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”][q multiple_choice=”true”]

Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QSA=[c]QiA=[c]Qy A=[c]RDwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x][restart] [/qwiz]