Matura 2006
Zadanie 13. (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Dobierz brakujące zdania (A-F), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. W każdą lukę (13.1.-13.4.) wpisz literę, którą oznaczone jest brakujące zdanie. Dwa zdania podane zostały dodatkowo i nie pasują do tekstu. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz l punkt.
Yahoo, MSN, Altavista – do those names ring a bell? Even if you are not an internet addict they should sound familiar. They are examples of internet portals which were the driving force of the net in the second half of the 1990s. The theory was simple: giant websites needed to display lots of advertisements to make money. 13.1.____ The obvious way to do this was
to give users lots of reasons to stick around. So, both portals and search sites started to add various extra features like email, chat rooms or photo albums to attract viewers. As a result they had messy, feature-packed front pages where the search and directory functions had become smaller and harder to find.
Then, Google arrived, like a breath of fresh air. Its front page was, by contrast, clean and spacious, with a big search box that left users in no doubt about its function. Best of all, its search was noticeably faster and better than its main rivals. The company solved the advertising problem just as brilliantly. 13.2.____ These small text ads were targeted to the search each user was making, and could be as useful as the search results. Instead of reaching thousands of people who were not interested, the idea was to reach the handful who were.
But searching web text was not enough for Google. It started to search images and other documents; it also added a directory, mail order shopping catalogues, a news service and, most recently, books and scholarly papers. The company has also expanded into other areas, by creating new services or buying other companies. These include Google Answers, Picasa photo album, Keyhole satellite imagery, and a language translation service. No doubt there will be more to come. 13.3.____ Hence the need for Google Fusion, the service that could eventually bring most of the services together on a single portal page.
Overall the quality of individual services seems less important than the fact that there are so many of them. Google has gradually changed from a search company into a media firm, whether it’s willing to admit it or not. 13.4. _____ In this market, Google has taken its first baby steps, while the opposition is miles ahead.
adapted from: The Guardian, Portal Combat, 2005 A. Instead of selling mass-market ad banners that were boring and slowed pages, it created AdWords.
A. Instead of selling mass-market ad banners that were boring and slowed pages, it created AdWords.
B. To create the opportunity to show these banner ads, they had to attract and retain lots of „eyeballs”.
C. These clever methods of advertising made Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, billionaires.
D. However, despite the multitude of services owned by Google, some are poorly integrated with each other, or not integrated at all, so even regular users may not know they exist.
E. If it tackles this large market with the pace and skill it applied to search, it should do very well, but the future is not guaranteed.
F. Google is top in the world of web search and the attempt to become something more – a portal – is out of the question.
W lukę 13. 1 wstawisz zdanie:
[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”][q multiple_choice=”true”]
Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QSA=[c]Qi A=[c]QyA=[c]RCA=[c]RSA=[c]RjwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x][restart] [/qwiz]
W lukę 13. 2 wstawisz zdanie:
[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”] [q multiple_choice=”true”]
Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QS A=[c]QiA=[c]QyA=[c]RCA=[c]RSA=[c]RjwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x] [restart] [/qwiz]
W lukę 13. 3 wstawisz zdanie:
[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”][q multiple_choice=”true”]
Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QSA=[c]QiA=[c]QyA=[c]RC A=[c]RSA=[c]RjwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x][restart][/qwiz]
W lukę 13. 4 wstawisz zdanie:
[qwiz style=” width: 300px !important; min-height: 100px !important; border-width: 1px !important; border-color: #00cc00 !important;” align=”center” hide_forward_back=”true” hide_progress=”true”][q multiple_choice=”true”]
Wskaż poprawną odpowiedź:
[c]QSA=[c]QiA=[c]QyA=[c]RCA=[c]RS A=[c]RjwvaDY+CjxoNj4=[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IFRhayE8L2g2Pgo8aDY+[f]IE5pZS48L2g2Pgo8cD4=[x][restart][/qwiz]
Zadanie 14. (3 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
Cowboy hostility towards Native Americans – popularly known as Indians – is a myth of the Wild West. The myth 14.1. _____ because many of the best stories set good against evil, and cowboy films were 14.2. _____ exception. The heroes were the cowboys. Searching for villains, film directors and organizers of Wild West shows often selected Indians because their 14.3. _____ and tactics were good entertainment. The truth was quite different. America’s westward expansion was marked by frequent fighting between immigrant and Native Americans, but cowboys were rarely involved. Real cowboys had 14.4. _____ reason to dislike the Indians. In fact, many cowboys were Native Americans. Excellent horsemanship, good local knowledge and the ability to survive in 14.5._____ conditions made them ideal cattlemen. No drover taking cattle through Indian territory wanted to make his difficult job still harder by 14.6. _____ up trouble with the local people. Real-life cowboys much preferred talking with Native Americans to fighting them. While on the trail, they often depended on Indian traders for fresh food and other supplies. abridged from: The Knowledge Factory |